President's Perspective 

Paul Klemash - President, Zion Lutheran Church, Bridgeville, PA

Planting Seeds -- Not Just a Spring Thing 
First, on behalf of your Council let me thank you -- the membership at Zion -- for supporting the ministry here with your time, talent and treasure. We've been able to get a lot of important work accomplished over the past several years and your support is very much appreciated. 

At the Voter's Meeting on Sunday, April 28th following the 10:30 service, we're going to have a chance to put some action on the Great Commission here at Zion. The Elders and Pastor have been working for several years at defining the role of a Deaconess to begin the process of reaching out in special ways toward our preschool parents, and the youth, elderly and women within our congregation. At the January Voters' Meeting, the membership authorized the formation of a Call Committee to explore candidates for this position. 

The Call Committee will be bringing their recommendation to you on the 28th. This is a huge step forward for our church and God willing, assuming we can fill this position, we will realize some very real blessings in the years to come. Evangelism efforts that can be realized with the help of a Deaconess are exciting to think about; we'll be able to cross that comfort barrier and touch the hearts of people with whom we don't normally have contact. We'll evangelize in an organized, deliberate manner and we'll grow our internal ministries at the same time. 

We're at this inflection point at Zion where we can either sit satisfied each week as we worship, or perhaps we can step a bit out of a comfort zone and begin to try to be less insular and more proactive at spreading the Gospel inside and outside our walls. This is a wonderful and bold step for your church. I hope you will support this effort that will help promote and fulfill the Great Commission as we've never before been able to do. So, please come to the meeting on April 28th and hear what the Call Committee has to say about a candidate that would be a real blessing to our parish. 

We're going to be planting some seeds in the future! We're looking for some fertile soil here at Zion and someone who will sow with divine purpose. We know the tiniest seed can produce the mightiest plants. In Matthew, we see that a tiny mustard seed is analogous to the Kingdom of Heaven in the way something small can grow to be so large. That's what we're going to work at with a Deaconess onboard -- planting small seeds and watching the Holy Spirit grow our church and God's Kingdom as we patiently wait for our Lord to return and claim what is His! 

– Paul Klemash

Zion Lutheran Church
The heart and soul of our worship is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God comes to us in worship to forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and equip us for the challenges and opportunities for the week ahead. Our worship times are 8:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings with a Bible Study for adults and Sunday School for children of all ages at 9:30. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at both services every week. Sunday morning worship is the highlight of the week at Zion Lutheran Church!!! We hope you will be able to join us! Each Wednesday this year (2014), we also have a 7:00 p.m. service. This service is shorter than our weekend service, in order to accommodate families with young children. If you have any questions about our worship, please e-mail or call our Pastor: 412-667-0967

VIDEO: Life Together Digest with President Harrison


VIDEO: Sunday April 21, 2024 - Complete Service